QQ's Philosophy

Our Vission - To create a practical kindergarten programme which educates children to learn effectively, Socialize easily and laugh heartily.
我们的愿景 - 创造有一个实习教育的幼儿园,培养孩子有效率的学习能力,人际沟通和从内心发出热忱地笑声。

Our Mission - The QQ programme provides children A fun-filled learning environment for The development of a holistic person In life.
我们的使命 - 提供孩子们拥有一个充满欢乐的学习环境,启发完整的人生

Our Aim - To provide quality learning programmes through interaction, experiments, play and activities that enhance learning outcomes.
我们的目标 - 提供有素质的学习课程,从人与人的沟通,生活实地的测验,活动性的游戏,增强学习的成果。

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Class situation - 19042012

This morning, bai lao shi saw few angels cried when reaching school. but after parent left, all become very normal during class lesson. 

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Flash card teaching

QQ 2012 Leisure trip

QQ Kindergarten & Nursery
116 & 118 Lorong 64 Taman Patani Jaya 08000 Sg Petani Kedah

Notice 通告

Please be informed that QQ Kindergarten is organizing one day FAMILY Educational cum Leisure trip to Kuala Gula Fish Village Perak ,  the purpose of the trip is to promote outdoor learning experience as part of the school learning programme (Fish Village Life) . The Family Trip is open to all QQ’s student especially K1 & K2 angels are compulsory to participate on above education tour except special reasons. Due to all teacher have to participate and carry out the job function during the trip , Therefore , all the day care students have to join to the trip unless he / she didn’t attend to school on that day and participant must be accommodate with parent, without parent guidance, your angel is advise not to follow the trip.
Kindly refer to the trip information as below:-

户外教学是一个能让小天使受益良多的活动,即能让小天使们增广见闻又能让他们开开心心地和一群朋友们及父母亲结伴出游,地点为Kuala Gula渔村。而今年本园将开放给所有QQ家长参与。此活动开放所有本园就读的学生尤其是 K1 & K2 的学生务必参与除了特别原因。由于本园全体老师必须参与此活动,所有全日制和安亲班的学生需参与。除了当天缺席。所有参与的小天使者必须由父母亲陪伴一起出游,本园将不接小天使参与如果没有家长跟随。本园希望家长大力支持让您的孩子参与此活动。

Date / 日期                         25th May 2012 (Friday 星期五 )
Duration of Journey    :           8.00am ~ 6.00pm
Trip Fare                     :           RM 75 /head – Adult ……… RM 65/head – QQ’s angel
家长七十五元 本园学生六十五元
Places to visit              :          

Salt Duck Egg Factory                       the process of making salt eggs
咸鸭蛋工厂                                     制造咸鸭蛋过程
Belacan Factory                                the process of making Balacan
峇拉煎工厂                                     制造峇拉煎过程
Charcoal Factory                               Process of making Charcoal
火炭窑厂                                       制造火炭过程
Hua Gong Palace                                Tourisms visiting place
华胜宫                                         旅游胜地
Others                                         see the situation is available
其他                                           需看行程为准

Lunch                   :           At Kuala Gula (Seafood Lunch 海鲜中餐)
Breakfast and Tea       :           At bus or activities areas (see the situation)
Transportation          :           Luxury Air conditioned Coach / 豪华冷气巴士

Fees shall be covered above entrances.   

If you wish to participate together with your love one, Kindly fill in the particular and return back before 23rd   Apr 2012 to our school with payments to facilitate necessary arrangements .Thank you !
