QQ's Philosophy

Our Vission - To create a practical kindergarten programme which educates children to learn effectively, Socialize easily and laugh heartily.
我们的愿景 - 创造有一个实习教育的幼儿园,培养孩子有效率的学习能力,人际沟通和从内心发出热忱地笑声。

Our Mission - The QQ programme provides children A fun-filled learning environment for The development of a holistic person In life.
我们的使命 - 提供孩子们拥有一个充满欢乐的学习环境,启发完整的人生

Our Aim - To provide quality learning programmes through interaction, experiments, play and activities that enhance learning outcomes.
我们的目标 - 提供有素质的学习课程,从人与人的沟通,生活实地的测验,活动性的游戏,增强学习的成果。

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

QQ Wishing you & Family A Belssed +++++++ Christmas & Happy New Year 2010 ******* @@@@@@ God Bless....... +++++

Monday, December 21, 2009

Making of Tang Yuan

Ha ha ha! see my wonderful work
Hai,,,,, see what is that?
All little angels are busy on own job
Hei, you better do well.......
Children always wonderful leaner, they are wonderful founder too, we can see the photos how they are enjoying to make Tang Yuan, normally parent are not allow let them to touch on it, the simple word often came out from parent mouth is “ Dirty, please go out” or “ you will mess up all the thing, please go off”. That’s why children sometime miss out some cultural lesson. Today, QQ is implement to all ours day care children how to Making of Tang Yuan. See! Our children face how they are enjoying making Tang Yuan. Bai Lao Shi doesn’t mind they mess up our canteen areas, bai lao shi only worry parent will happen diarrhea after takes the Tang Yuan making by our little cooks. Ha ha ha… please don’t come to claim with bai lao shi later on…..

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Good movie would like to share

Very meaningful movie clip, actually children learn the behaviour from parent, what parent act daily they will use both eye to see. Some of the parent told me, their kid cannot come to school too early, which mean our school session morning 8.30am, for my point of view, actually parent who trained their children not to wake up early to school. Than parent excuse kid cannot wake up, try to think by own, for some parent who are forced to punch card every morning before 8am, than no one are helps them to take care kid, they are forcing to trained their children to wake up early the morning in order to send to nursery before go for work. Why these all parent can and why other parent cannot? Because working parent are forced by working environment. They have no choice so as their kids, don’t give me ‘my kid cannot wake up early the morning’ this reason anymore, cause I am one of the working parent last time which forced to wake up my kids early the morning. Everything is possible, unless human don’t want to do……right???

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


The results are;
1st Runner up - BEAUTY AND THE BEAST ( QQ SP )
2nd Runner up - LITTLE MERMAID ( QQ KULIM ),
The Best Actors -

QQ 2nd Drama Contest 2009 result

You me go , ale ale ale ale, won won won we won the QQ 2nd Drama contest year 2009……after one month with very hard training to all the QQ drama actors, finally we won for the drama contest on 13th Dec 2009 located at Central Square Sg Petani, which with Champion , 1st runner up and the best plot for the contest. After year 2008 the drama contest located at KULIM Sri Malaysia Hotel, we have been learnt how to prepare Plot with colourful and extractive. And have a concept not only using Fairy Tale story as drama story, since we stay in colourful races country, at last QQ SP decided to use our Malay story ‘ BAWANG PUTIH DAN BAWANG MERAH’ as one of the drama titled. And ‘BEAUTY AND THE BEAST’ is another drama titled.
The Person In charge to train BAWANG PUTIH DAN BAWANG MERAH students is Cikgu Nor, and 2 advisors for BAWANG PUTIH AND BAWANG MERAH are Teacher Loh and Teacher Goh, which another drama titled BEAUTY AND THE BEAST trained by Cikgu Ilah and her advisors are Teacher Wing and Lim. All the dramas PLOT are prepared by that PIC are in charge of the Drama. And before that we have find many types of video, searching from an internet to get sum of information related with this two drama. And have spent much time for searching the recycle materials for PLOT preparations.
To QQ SP teachers, Congratulation and this is proved that you have success and achieved to another higher level challenging tasks. To QQ little Angels, Congratulation to all of you too to became a professional little actors, To QQ little Angel’s parents, Thank you for you’re fully support to let the drama successfully done. And last but not leave, thank you Central Square who sponsored QQ places and all the PA system and accessories. Once again, thank you who are all the way from KL, Mr Chin and Mr David, and Puan Rosilah and Puan Azizah from Trainer of Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Kedah as our QQ drama contest Judges, and for QQ Kulim and Penang Branch congratulation and thank you for your cooperative.

Monday, December 14, 2009

New announcement from Education Dept (JPN)

08th Dec 2009 (Tuesday)

For your information, effective from year 2010 January, all Kindergartens are enforce to adjust student studying time from 3 hours to 4 hours cum Holistic Education Programme. Therefore, QQ will implement above studying time effective from March 2010 after the 1st school Holidays.
And we are glad to announce here, Our QQ kindergartens have been implemented the Holistic Education Programme since past 2 years ago; there is nothing big change on the programme for QQ kindergarten. All parents kindly take note on this important announcement. Thank you for your co-operation.

本园很高兴地在此宣布,由于QQ在两年前开始采用全方位教育系统为本园课程,所以在课程更改制度方面没有很大的变化, 白老师希望家长们能给于全面的合作。谢谢!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009



言归正传,很高兴家长们那不吝啬的分享,各有用个的方式表达,有的用信息,有的通过电话,有的通过依眉儿,更有的通过面对面表达。从毕业典礼隔天就收到很多道贺的电话,都说今年很成功,而又鬼马新意,只是颁奖拉长了时间了,(白老师答应家长们明年会更好)有的甚至要以合作的方式要白老师开设分院在其他的地方,连教育部官员也开口邀白老师去ALOR SETAR 开设分院,都被白老师一一拒绝了,一人不能分身,一旦分身,素质就会有影响,如果想请白老师为顾问,那还有的考虑,如果白老师插手插脚管理,那就对不起咯。。。。。

Tuesday, December 8, 2009



小天使们个个都像往常一样,一涌往白老师身上撲,在一轮左拥右抱之后,小瓜们方把白老师放开。节目还没开始,白老师被小瓜们的热情搅得满头大汗了。太热情了吧!今年的开幕仪式在事前都很保密,连其他的老师们都不知道,除了罗老师之外,开幕仪式就由TEACHER AMU的孩子领先把MICHAEL JACKSON 的DANGEROUS舞蹈跳得非常棒(听人家说的)。可惜白老师无缘看到,因为忙着在后台办财神呐!原来财神的头饰是那么的重,压得白老师的头很疼。在一番折腾之后,终于把财神的衣服和头饰都穿好了。小天使们个个指着白老师开心的大笑,有的竟然开口向白老师讨红包呢!偷偷地从后台往特别通道跑到前门,等着司仪吹白老师的场。当音乐师放财神到得音乐时,白老师就由前门走进去。当然,家长们的反应可想而知了,个个都被白老师鬼马打扮吓了一跳,有财神当然会有派糖果和红包啦!由于费时把一粒粒的糖果派给每位家长,白老师想到一个好桥,就是用丢的方式把糖果和红包发给家长们。还没到达前台,手上的糖果和红包都已经没了,被财神衣服包在里面的白老师已经是满身大汗了,原来办财神爷是那么的辛苦的。但是为了让家长们和小瓜们开心,再辛苦也是值得的。

今年特别安排毕业生一边唱‘奉献’边进场,在由七位小瓜们扮演QQ特约记者为本园报导一年的活动,还想到要他们站在讲台上想大人般演讲,还要不窃胆那才是考验老师们。因为今年是ONE MALAYSIA 的概念,所以为了顺哥与嫂意,就把小瓜们分为三批,第一批就得用英语演讲,第二批就得用华语演讲而最后第三批就用国语演讲。这三种语言对小天使来说当然不是问题,只怕他们当时会怯场而已。还好个个都没有发生怯场的事件,白老师更加高兴地是有一位六岁有点语言障碍的毕业生,胆量还不输以其他人,在一番努力之后整句‘我的志愿’也从她的口中完成。真替她高兴。反而有的毕业生反而还输她呢!原本在彩排时,她通常会用喊的方式完成她的志愿,但白老师告诉她要用刚刚好的声量读,不是用喊得方式,还叫她要看老师们的手势,当老师把手往下放,就是要把声量放低。她就是边看老师们的手势便把声量放低及完成她的任务。(家长们没发现吧!)在家长把毕业礼物颁发给毕业生时,白老师发觉有些不只台上或台下的家长和嘉宾眼泪不知不觉的流下来,后来有几个家长告诉白老师,那时刻,可能因为背乐配合的缘故,特别的敏感,眼泪也不知不觉掉了下来了。之后就是那让人纳闷的环节了,就是颁发奖杯时刻。虽然白老师知道闷,但还是要进行,那是小瓜们最荣誉的时刻,让学校肯定的时刻,哪怕是一个奖杯或是以上的奖杯,毕竟是小瓜们努力所得来的。可能每年要把这纳闷的时间剪短了啦!



Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Sorry for stop upgrading QQ news

Dear Readers,

Sorry for temperary stop upgrading QQ news due to busy on our QQ year end Graduation and Concert preparation, once our QQ year end event completely done, i will be back to my position to post QQ news to all of you. hope you are be patience. Thank you for your understading .

Bai Lao Shi

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Concert Dance Practice

Teachers are taking an hour daily to practise concert performance since start from beginning of the November; we want all the children can perform well during concert night. Children are really enjoyed their performance, when the front line children are practice concert dance, we can see others children also are enjoy to participating.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Important Notice/ 重要通告

Please contact below persons if you have any enquiries, Bai Lao Shi is not convenience to answer your call due to attending UUM Graduation Ceremony during Morning 9.00am till 6.00pm on 5th Dec 2009.

ü Teacher Loh 016 4488628
ü Teacher Goh 012 5657519

Thank you for your cooperation / 谢谢您的合作

Sunday, November 15, 2009

GENKI Teachers vote
K1 GENKI children vote

K1 GENKI children vote
N2 GENKI Children vote

N1 GENKI Children Vote





Today is our school carry out special activity to our little angels, today is also celebration of birthday party and celebration of children day cum election of GENKI children day. Our intension to let all the children to participate these activities due to want to know how the children they are socialize along with peers during schooling time.

We do suggested call out all children by ages stand one line at outside and let all the little angels vote who is the most special children in their mind. First of all, teachers called 3 years old children to stand in front of peers and teachers was distribute small sticker to everyone children, ask them to past the sticker to the person body. Actually we already knew the result who will win the title. Is depend which children likes to helps peers and talkative during schooling session will get more the sticker. And the one who get less or didn’t get at all is shown that these children normally likes to overtake care peers problems or busybody types. Who will get less or get more is depend theirs socialize with peers. the end , teachers are collected all the name list who win the title and at last bai lao shi also called out all teachers line out in front of children, this time let children to choose their GENKI teachers. Of course bai lao shi won’t participate on this activity, sure bai lao shi will get more vote if participating. This result may helps bai lao shi as a one criteria to judge teachers performances. But last minutes the final results are out, unexpected teacher are won this election. Certain teachers got very less sticker then we should know these teachers should look on her relationship along with children.

Last year, bai lao shi still remember, only 6 years old children are involved in this activity, this year we carry out with hold school intension to let all the children to get know the election knowledges. Who say school only deliver knowledgeable are related with books? Some time we have to practice likes other general knowledge which books didn’t taught. Right?

Saturday, November 7, 2009




白老师就问爸爸为什么在他四五岁是不要送去学校?爸爸告知因为不放心孩子被别人顾所以没有放,情愿让孩子在家度日,由家中的老人家看顾。当然家中老人家只能看顾吃住而已,说到教育可能帮不上忙。作为爸爸的又再问,孩子在这边会不会有些碰撞的事情发生?白老师真诚的告知,肯定会!因为孩子在家也会发生跌倒和碰撞事件,不要说在学校,一大群孩子肯定会发生此事件,又问我要用多久的时间可以看到孩子的进展? 那白老师就告知不确定 就要看孩子的吸收力了! 而告诉他既然担心孩子的前程,为什么不要早点送来?现在孩子能把基本的东西学好就应该庆幸了!又问,我的孩子会不会跌倒?答有时会,再问;我的孩子不会穿鞋子也不会自己上厕所,要人家带去,也不会自己在大便后处理。说以后孩子的前途交在白老师和老师们的手里这就是现在父母亲的问题了,要白老师特别看顾他的孩子,那白老师就很抱歉的对他说;每个孩子都是父母亲的宝贝,在这里每个孩子都是受到保护的,谁也没有特别的得到厚爱,大家都是一律一视同仁。。。。。这位爸爸再要问时,身为妈妈的眼睛瞪得快要掉下来后就叫他不要再问了,放心让老师带,如果不放心的话就不要报名,还是让孩子呆在家。。。。当然,最后还是让孩子报了名!


Thursday, November 5, 2009

Dear all Readers,

cordially invites you and your family to attend

the 2009 Drama Contest of

QQ Kindergarten & Nursery all Branches

at the Central Square 5th Floor

Date :12th Dec 2009 ( Saturday )
Time : 2.00pm - 4..30pm

Thank you for your attendance.

Invitation for Graduation cum Concert nite

Dear all parents,

Cordially invites you to attend the 2009 Graduation & Concert Night of

QQ Kindergarten & Nursery Sg Petani Branch
at the Park Avenue, Taman Sejati.

Date :5th Dec 2009 ( Saturday )
Time : 8.15pm - 10.30pm

Please don't forget to let your little angel take Dinner before concert presentation.

Your attendance is high appreciated. Thank you !

Saturday, October 31, 2009



Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Mamil Gold Milk Programme

19-10-2009, special day for our QQ kindergarten and Nursery, Mamil Gold Milk Company was sent the representative to our school on nutritious milk briefing to all our little angels. She wanted little angels calling her “ Aunt Mamil Gold “, her attendance is bringing fun to our little angels because after her briefing she have carried out some of game related to the milk product. She taught to our little angels how to take care of body healthy and in order to have healthy body, they have to take healthy food and fruits of course drink a lot of water. Milk also play an important part for body, as her explanations, Mamil Gold Milk are content with IMMUNOFORTIS which have proven by scientifically. IMMUNPFORTIS helps increase intestinal bifidobacteria and helps maintain a good intestinal environment. And a major component of the immune system lies in the gastrointestinal tract.
Our children are presented (based on ages) one box Mamil Gold milk 600 gram back to home, children need to drink the Mamil Gold milk twice a day, which at school morning breakfast one time and taking at home one time. And they will provide us 2 weeks nutritious drinks for our school children and parents are encouraged to fill a feedback form after test periods.

Saturday, October 17, 2009


而全脑教育是包含全方位学习,除了要从中启发左脑,也要启发右脑感性的功能。现在的孩子除了学习求知,而求知也是属于理性的左脑。白老师认为现在的孩子们除了要有理性的左脑(学会求知),而右脑也扮演着重要的角色,就是如何学会做人,学会做事及学会共处,后三者的就是要从教育者与孩子之间的互动,孩子和孩子的相处,学习如何掌握生活上的技能。才至于达到全脑教育方针。当有些家长问我电脑教学是不是也能把全脑启发和适合小天使们为学习对象时,我第一个就不能苟同,其实大家深入一层思考,电脑是人类发明的,人类发明的就是编制程序的咯!编制程序的话就是偏向左脑,既是缺少人与人之间的互动。 据我所知如果电脑能替代教育者提供全脑教育的话,教育部就不必伤脑筋每次都要劝幼教者把老师们送往培训,培训老师们如何教小天使们,与小天使们互动。如果全脑教育能以电脑启发的话,我想以后小学就没有发生缺少老师的事了,就用电脑来替代老师吧!那时老师们到死都没有想到就因为这死版版的电脑,而丢了金饭碗。如果有人无知的对你说电脑可以培育全脑教育的话,我想那个人可能要去多读和了解什么是全脑教育了,教育有时就是这种人为了生意不折手段的把它给歪曲。最可悲的是,未来的主人翁每个就是死脑筋般死板板的没有创意。。。唉!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


早在六月头,本园已经内定在年尾十二月五号为本园毕业典礼及恳亲会,地点在于PARK AVENUE TAMAN SEJATI。 一切已经筹备中,所有的定金也付了。在为了提升自己和对小瓜们进一步更加的了解,白老师在去年年头进修UUM大学的儿童心理学。这进修的过程中吃了不少骨头,但必及也在今年的六月中挨过来了。
以上两个时间看起来也没有舍关系,那今天的文章到底是要说些什么?在QQ系统中没有关系的时间和东西,在一轮的思考和配合之下,往往就衍变成关系了。但这次岂不是白老师把它串关系,而是在刚刚接收到UUM 大学书信通知,白老师所进修UUM大学的儿童心理学毕业典礼也在QQ毕业典礼同一天。既是大学毕业典礼在早上八点到下午六点,而我们QQ毕业典礼在晚间七点到十点半。看是应该没有问题,可是偏偏在SINTOK UUM 大学那里举办我的毕业典礼呐!而且一定要在前一天领取大学毕业袍,从这边飞去那里也要用上一个半小时。那边需要我,这里肯定也不能缺少我的出席。这边重要,那边对我来说也很重要。如何是好?到现在也摸不到头绪。QQ毕业典礼彩排在五号当天早上我肯定错过了。而这里的毕业典礼已经不能拖延,因为,有的父母特地从外国飞回来出席孩子的毕业典礼,经已再三的交代白老师不可以换日期,因为假已经拿了,飞机票也订了。而所有酒店,布置场所的人员,摄影师,和一切一切都不能变动。唯一的办法就是白老师要在六点毕业后在UUM大学那变身为咸蛋超人飞车回来这里,我看也要在八点才能抵达了。装也来不及化了,凉也来不及冲了的情况之下出席QQ毕业典礼。苦呀苦。。。。。到时要家长们多多包涵了。

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

QQ Childlren in News Paper

Little angels are performing the drama
Patient for waiting
Cikgu Ilah is decorate to performer
Supportive parent helping to make up to performer

QQ SP children photo advertised in News Paper
Surprisingly! Yesterday evening when I was opened and read the news paper, I saw one of the photo if from our school little angels, these photo taken by during presented Drama presentation at beginning of the month of 3~5 Oct which function are organized by SP one of society name DEWAN PERHIMPUNAN CHINA KEDAH , the intention of this function is to celebrate Lang Tern Festival and cultural. All races are invited to present the presentation likes Dance, sing song, kara oka competition, some of the parties are invited to teach some of cultural art and craft has been declined by young generation. I am great to see these all the cultural art and craft are awaked by this event.
QQ is one of the school invited by DEWAN PERHIMPUNAN CHINA KEDAH, our school is presented Drama presentation Bawang Putih dan Bawang Merah. Although some of the little problem occurred before the presentation (waiting so long period from 7pm till 10.15pm only present), but fortunately our little angels are shown out very professional way during presenting. And QQ is only school is presented the Drama for Kindergarten children. Having sympathy to another team Drama children Due to the time frame problem, we are only allowed to present one drama on that night. Stage performing is train children’s confidence, patient and creativity of performing.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

蒙特俊利(Montessori )Training-孩子心,不伤心,倾听他们的声音


QQ 园长们与老师们一向是学而不倦,如果发现有什么好学习的课程,一定会积极插上一脚,这次也不例外,QQ分院园长与老师们在上个星期日漂洋过海往槟城TANJONG BUNGA一间中心上蒙特俊利的课程。其实早在两年前我们已经上过其中一个单元叫着语言教育,老师是来自吉隆坡,她也是STAR报章指定的作者,并在每一个星期STAR报章中写关以孩子发展的故事。这次去槟城上另一个单元关于儿童心里学,目标是为了了解儿童心理学理论,研究蒙氏儿童教育心理学主要理论,探讨儿童心理学与幼教课程策划。老师需要从孩童在婴幼儿时期挖掘孩子们的敏感期,孩子通常在每一个学习过程会有一定所谓的敏感期,当老师们发现这敏感期时,就要从中下手,把孩子引导进入正确学习的管道。而敏感期分为九个部分,既是语言,次序,感官,对细物感兴趣,动作,社会规范,书写,阅读及文化。从中让老师们知道从那里发掘孩子们的敏感期。如何观察,探索及指导,就主要的是老师应该从旁引导和协助,并不是干预。那才能让孩子更加发挥自己的才能,而并不是培育未来的机械人。
现在有很多的幼教把孩子的才能给抹杀了,孩子已经没有了创意能力,一昧是等待大人的指示而做,有的是为了配合小学口味把孩子训练成为写字机器人。更有的是孩子没有发言的能力,只有老师在讲,孩子们就只好静静听的份儿。所以以后孩子就是衍变成YES MAN OR MADAM 的机器人了。

New Comer

Rabbit skin so soft and smooth
It love to eat grass feed by me

Let me take photo with Mr Rabbit

Last week Kulim principal Ms Tong, who has all the way travelled from Kulim presented the rabbit to our school. The next day, all little angels all very excited with this new comer. They are handling with care and play together with these rabbits. I would like to say thanks with Ms Tong because of bringing these animals for our school and cheer up ours little angels.

Some of the little angels are very excited on these comer and they are bring Carrot to rabbits.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009



Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Teaching on Magnet & under sea animals

See, these is my fishing acquisition

I also know how to fishing

Mmm...Teacher Goh asked me look for and fish sea horse, let me find the sea horse first.....

Let us compete, which group are getting more result.......

Ha...ha....ha..... we are fish together the crab, i thinks this crab so hungry, it try to graps both fishing rod

N2 little angels are learning about Magnet functioning, in order to let them understand magnet functioning, in order to make it is fun and learning is easy, teacher has to prepare learning activity likes fishing games. Teacher Goh has been cut and laminated some of the sea animals like sea horse, fish, octopus, tortoise and so on….. And at the pictures there stick with the paper pin, fishing rod with magnet.
Of course, this is the fishing activity, teacher need to put all the sea animals into big water container, and little angels are encourage to fishing with sea animals name given by teacher. What we observed, little angels can behave themselves for their turn. And teacher also can check their understanding on sea animals from these activities. Important is they learn knowledge without any pressure. And they are happy and absorbed easily from activity teaching.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Hey We are from QQ N2 class

Machi friends from N2........ three of them are very sensitive with camera. when bai lao shi just bring up the camera, three of them are immediately post the cute posting.

Friday, September 18, 2009

QQ Sport Day_18092009



Photo will pasting soon

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Another 2 days, Our Malay friends are celebrate HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI after a month fasting. Here our QQ K2 Little Angels wishing all of you, SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDLFITRI and Happy Holidays.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

School Bag spot check

Today our school has been carried out school bag spot check to all our children which under ages 5 and 6. (Keep on reminded them not to bring needless stationary to school) Whatever is not related with school stationeries will be temporary keep by bai lao shi and do advised to all children if there wish to bring back their properties has been confiscated by bai lao shi, they need to bring parent together to meet bai lao shi. this action taken to prevent little angels are lack to pay attention during study times, they likes to play their own house toys and show off to peers during schooling times. Ours side are put it seriously on this matter due to some of the children are make noise due to peers are taken off their toys. Before spot check, some of the little angels are starting to groaning and cry and when teachers was found out some needless stationary in her bag, she telling to teacher she will get another new one from mom after confiscated by bai lao shi. Surprisingly, such of stickers books, colouring books, stickers, sweet, toys, balloons, flashlight, highlighter, Ben 10 Cards, hair scissor, toy hand phone, candle, gun with bullet and so on was found in children bag. Here to invoke to all parents do not allow your little angel to bring needless things come to school, this will be avoid creating unnecessariness cases within peers.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Dear Parent,

We are pleased to inform that QQ Sungai Petani Nursery is privileged to be selected as one of the kindergartens for the Nutrition Programme with New Advanced Mamil Gold Step 3 and Step 4 with IMMUNOFORTIS™.

Your child will be served daily for 1 weeks with our New Advanced Mamil Gold Step 3 and Step 4 with IMMUNOFORTIS TM during their break time in school. In addition to that, your child will also be given daily supply of New Advanced Mamil Gold Step 3 and Step 4 with IMMUNOFORTISTM to be consumed at home for 1 weeks.

scientifically proven
an oligosaccharide mixture, consisting of 90% GOS and 10% lcFOS.

IMMUNOFORTIS™ helps increase intestinal bifidobacteria and helps maintain a good intestinal environment.

A major part of the immune system lies in the gastrointestinal tract. A healthy immune system will help to improve your child’s body resistance.

IMMUNOFORTIS™ promotes softer stool for easy bowel movement.

Mamil Gold Step 3 is specially formulated for children 1 to 3 years old and Mamil Gold Step 4 for children 3 to 10 years old.

Please be informed that the Mamil Gold Nutrition Programme will commence from 19th Oct 2009 till 24th Oct 2009. Please return the reply slip by 04th Oct 2009 (The Notice will distribute on 01st Sept 2009)

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Cookies session

Ready products can push out to market
I am done well my products

See, how they showing pro way on making cookies

Comes, take a photo as memory
Children are busy on their product

Last Saturday, day care teacher was carry out making cookies lesson to our day care little angels. they are enjoyed the lesson. after cookies baked they are encourage to bring back own products.

Monday, August 24, 2009

H1N1 Virus attacked to Nursery base

Yesterday heard from one of QQ pediatric said recently H1N1 viruses are seriously attacked to nursery and kindergarten base children. Advised me have to put more attention on it, and she had been telling me now we cannot judge on who are fever only suspect affected with H1N1, recently for those having coughing, sore throat and headache also are consider already affected with viruses. She told me some of the clinics are capable to test and they are ready have the medicine for H1N1. Test charges only charge $30 and after confirm you are the virus carrier, you have to pay the medicine fees for $80. Actual cost for this medicine is $200++, after government is subsidy for 50%, still need to pay for $100++. But she consider on not certain parents are affordable to pay it, she just take for the cost from supplier only. How wonderful of this pediatrician. She really not only looking for the money, sometime she also didn’t take consultation fees for those poor families. She is one of people who let me showing respect.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

QQ Kids wishing you happy Merdeka day

Another weekend is our Malaysia celebrate 52 anniversary, We are celebrate our Merdeka Day. Here ours QQ little angels whishing you Happy Merdeka day and enjoy your school holiday.

Confirm is H1N1

Just share with you, how doctor is confirm you are affected H1N1 viruses

When a child has fever, the dr will prescribe the fever medicine to consume either in 4 or 6 hours period. I think all of you guys know very well on this. Normally the fever will go down after taken the medicine and it will come back after 3 or 6 hours. But if it for H1N1 infectious, the fever will not be going down after taking the medicine and it will consistently stay at high temperature for hours. And if this condition continuous for 48 hrs, then the possibility of H1N1 infectious will be very high. For this case, i mean consistent high fever for 48 hrs, dr will straight away give the patient the H1N1 antiviral treatment, ie Tamiflu treatment for period of 7 days.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Announcement to stop all events and activities

Here to make announcement, after considered on currently H1N1 spreading in critical condition, therefore, QQ SP branch are decided temporary stop all events and activities are planned, this decision was make to prevent H1N1 virus spread during events carry on. Thank you for your understanding.

Puzzle games

Children are the most wonderful learner, no matter what type of children, they loves to play puzzle and block building. Before teachers start the syllabus, among teacher and little angels have been a deals if they are quiet and behave themselves during syllabus session, teacher will reward them playing puzzle or blocks after teachers completed session syllabus. Is works when teacher implemented an idea. Children are cooperated while syllabus lesson. And they are sitting there behave nicely when playing puzzle, in order to let them fighting due to puzzles, school side have to prepared enough puzzle for them. In the mean time must set rule and regulation when carry out this activity, you may surprise they are so quiet and behave themselves, although the most active little angel also put with full concentrations when playing puzzle. Whole class felt very quiet and peaceful then.