QQ's Philosophy

Our Vission - To create a practical kindergarten programme which educates children to learn effectively, Socialize easily and laugh heartily.
我们的愿景 - 创造有一个实习教育的幼儿园,培养孩子有效率的学习能力,人际沟通和从内心发出热忱地笑声。

Our Mission - The QQ programme provides children A fun-filled learning environment for The development of a holistic person In life.
我们的使命 - 提供孩子们拥有一个充满欢乐的学习环境,启发完整的人生

Our Aim - To provide quality learning programmes through interaction, experiments, play and activities that enhance learning outcomes.
我们的目标 - 提供有素质的学习课程,从人与人的沟通,生活实地的测验,活动性的游戏,增强学习的成果。

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Why Is Play Important? Cognitive Development, Language Development, Literacy Development

By J.P. Isenberg|M. R. Jalongo
Pearson Allyn Bacon Prentice Hall
Guidelines from the Association for Childhood Education International (ACEI) and the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), two respected professional associations, affirm that play is essential for all children’s healthy development and learning across all ages, domains, and cultures. Play does the following:
  • Enables children to make sense of their world
  • Develops social and cultural understandings
  • Allows children to express their thoughts and feelings
  • Fosters flexible and divergent thinking
  • Provides opportunities to meet and solve real problems
  • Develops language and literacy skills and concepts (Bredekamp & Copple, 1997; Gronlund, 2001; Isenberg & Quisenberry, 2002)

Kindly enjoy our only 2 years old kid put on fully concentration during building his own dynasty block.....I am learning....

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