QQ's Philosophy

Our Vission - To create a practical kindergarten programme which educates children to learn effectively, Socialize easily and laugh heartily.
我们的愿景 - 创造有一个实习教育的幼儿园,培养孩子有效率的学习能力,人际沟通和从内心发出热忱地笑声。

Our Mission - The QQ programme provides children A fun-filled learning environment for The development of a holistic person In life.
我们的使命 - 提供孩子们拥有一个充满欢乐的学习环境,启发完整的人生

Our Aim - To provide quality learning programmes through interaction, experiments, play and activities that enhance learning outcomes.
我们的目标 - 提供有素质的学习课程,从人与人的沟通,生活实地的测验,活动性的游戏,增强学习的成果。

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Why CPR And First Aid Are Important to school teacher?

One again, QQ is foreseen an importance of CPR, we have sent our teachers to the CPR and first aid training during June 2011. gain the knowledges rather than don't know. Human life is really importance to us, although we are only as a teacher, and we know....once parent sending kid to us, we have responsible to taking care. thus, in order do not miss out anything happen in the sudden. QQ group decided to send few teachers attend to the course to gain more knowledges. 

following is a article why CPR is important to all of us by oppaper web....happy reading...

Why Cpr And First Aid Are Important

     I believe all people should master the skills of CPR (Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation) and first aid training. You can learn CPR and first aid training by taking a training course that teaches vital skills people can use, so they can handle and cope with emergencies, such as a chocking child, burns or scalds, or someone who has stopped breathing. Learning CPR and first aid is the simplest and most important skills anyone can learn. 

You can learn CPR and first aid in as little as 4.5 hours. Taking this time to learn these skills that could help save a life is more than worth it. CPR and first aid techniques are life saving skills everyone should know and master because you never know when a situation will occur when CPR and first aid may be needed. Mastering these skills will prepare you for the actions you find necessary when trying to give someone the best chance of survival with minimal long term side effects. Instead of taking a risk of worsening the problem, and possibly leading the situation into something more complex to deal with; having and knowing the skills of CPR and first aid will not only help to avoid the unexpected situations but help repair the situation as well. 

Let’s say you have a 3 year old child that is choking; what would be your first instinct? I know as a mother mine would be to panic and then try and use my figures to dislodge whatever is in the child’s throat, but I have learned through a CPR and first aid training course that you are to stay calm, and focused no matter what the situation. Then they teach you the proper way to perform the Heimlich maneuver so that you can help save the chocking child or person.   

Now imagine for a moment that a loved one has stopped breathing and you don’t know CPR. What do you think their chances of living are? Their chances of survival will be slim to none. Expect for when CPR is performed immediately after someone has stopped breathing their percentage of survival is higher than someone...

                                         OMG...three of QQ SP supervisors been injured...but happy

                                       Teacher Wing...should you lay down when you have injured???
                                   1 2 3 press......1 2 3 press....

Sponsor product by Dumex Mamil Gold and Pureen

Thank you Dumex Mamil Gold again sending sample to our school QQ Sg Petani, Normally Dumex company will sent some product to QQ angels for morning Nutritious Drink. The marketing Ms Eleen inform Bai Lao Shi, the new Manil Gold product formulated milk powder for children and content is NO SUCROSE CUM IMMUNOFORCE been proven by scientifically (Oligosaccharide mixture: 90% GOS, 10% IcFOS) and recognized in 33 countries, more than 5 x DHA.

A strong immune system supports the physical and mental development of a child. Proper nutrition during his early growing up years when his immune system is developing will provide him with a solid foundation  for his body defence system, enabling him to freely explore his environment thus accelerating his development potential. 

And Thank you to Summit Co (M) Sdn Bhd (PUREEN) too, the marketing also sending few samples MEDICATED POWDER (Nappy Rash, Prickly Heat, Foot Discomfort) AND BABY POWDER (Pure Cornstarch) to our day care angels. 

QQ的成长故事之教育 -真的不能偷工减料,尤其是幼儿教育。


QQ的创立并不是一席爆红,快速致富的。QQ的创立是每个想要创办教育事业的人的成长故事,是一步一脚印,坚持着一贯的信念走下来的,这股信念就是~“让我们一起来教育【Together We Educate,我们的使命是要让每个有QQ教育园所的地方都发展成一个教育影响力中心,连同家长、社群一起来教育。



2009年,在内部提拔园长,创造就业机会的大前提下QQ在靠近居林的巴东色海加开一间分园,由原任居林分园主任的黄老师参与创立,成为新的园长。同年也随应网路发展趋势,全园开始在目前当红的社群媒体面子书上开设粉丝页【Fans Page进一步深化了QQ与家长及社群们互动,一起发挥教育影响力的使命。

2011年是QQ的稳健成长年,首间对外扩展坐落在南马新山Nusajaya, Horizon Hills的分园将在101日正式投入服务,第一次把QQ社区教育影响力的理念带到了南马。紧接下来,在11月中,再次通过内部提拔的机制,北马将会有另两间分园投入服务当地社群。这两间分园分别坐落在槟城大山脚由缪老师与双溪大年Tuanku Haminah花园由罗老师及吴老师管理。


就因为让我们一起来教育【TOGETHER WE EDUCATE的简单理念,QQ重新定义了创立教育事业的运作模式,感召着无数的同好一起加入了我们社区教育影响力中心的扩展过程里,一起为创造更多的价值而努力着。

教育 -真的不能偷工减料,尤其是幼儿教育。

让我们一起来教育 Together We Educate”


QQ 的价值 

Love - Thoughtful, dedication, tolerance, enthusiasm, creativity, gratitude.