These is our another Practical sciences programme which suitable for 4 years old children, in order to let them to understand on magnet functions, and very hard to let 4 years old children to understand on the theory of attractive magnet. The best way to explain to them is let them to do by themselves. These also is one of our slogans, learning through fun, children they thinks they are playing toys, actually from these activities they will learn how the magnet stick to the metal materials. You can see how they enjoyed participating on these activities.
Managed by Taska & Tadika Junior Sinar (K01D479) Special Features; Healthy Nutritious Diet,small class concept, Air Conditioned,Filted drinking water & Comfortable Environment.
QQ's Philosophy
Our Vission - To create a practical kindergarten programme which educates children to learn effectively, Socialize easily and laugh heartily.
我们的愿景 - 创造有一个实习教育的幼儿园,培养孩子有效率的学习能力,人际沟通和从内心发出热忱地笑声。
Our Mission - The QQ programme provides children A fun-filled learning environment for The development of a holistic person In life.
Our Mission - The QQ programme provides children A fun-filled learning environment for The development of a holistic person In life.
我们的使命 - 提供孩子们拥有一个充满欢乐的学习环境,启发完整的人生
Our Aim - To provide quality learning programmes through interaction, experiments, play and activities that enhance learning outcomes.
Our Aim - To provide quality learning programmes through interaction, experiments, play and activities that enhance learning outcomes.
我们的目标 - 提供有素质的学习课程,从人与人的沟通,生活实地的测验,活动性的游戏,增强学习的成果。
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Action taken for HFM diseases
May 2009, Tough month for ours school, ours school storm due to Hand Foot Mouth Diseases, ours school has been decided to shut down for early one week to all of the little angels here. This decision make to avoid the HFM virus keep on spreading to whole school. Although school is shut down, our teachers need to wash, sterilize all the toys, even small toys. We are spending one day for outside furniture, spent another 2 days for indoor furniture and all teaching aids included class room wall. Thank you all my loved teachers are hold hand together to overcome these suffering period. And also felt sorry to all the parents due to trouble your daily routine.
Ways to develop children self-esteem
Children Learn What They Live by Denis Waitley
An ancient Chinese proverb tells us, "A child's life is like a piece of paper on which every passerby leaves a mark." We cannot teach our children self-esteem. We can only help them discover it within themselves by adding positive marks and strokes on their slates. All positive motivation is rooted in self-esteem – the development of which, just as with other skills takes practice. Think of self-esteem as a four-legged chair.
A Sense of Belonging: The first leg of self-esteem is a sense of belonging. We all have a deep-seated need to feel we're part of something larger than ourselves. This need, which psychologists call an affiliation drive, encompasses people, places and possessions. Our instinct for belonging – for being wanted, accepted, enjoyed, and loved by close ones – is extremely powerful. It explains the bond of an extended family, friends, and teammates. It also explains why some adolescents join gangs. They want to belong, even if it's wrong.
Make your children proud of their family heritage and make your home a place where they feel safe, loved and welcome. Also, make your home a place where your children want to bring their friends, rather than a place they want to leave as soon as possible.
A Sense of Individual Identity: The second leg, which complements the sense of belonging, is a sense of individual identity. No human being is exactly like another, not even an identical twin. We are all unique combinations of talents and traits that never existed before and will never exist again in quite the same package. (This explains why most parents believe their children came from different planets!)
Observe your children as they grow and play. Watch their learning styles. Notice what they love to do in their free time. Help them discover their unique positive talents and help nurture them into skills. Report cards don't necessarily measure talents. They often are a measure only of discipline, memory and attention span.
A Sense of Worthiness: The third leg of self-esteem is a sense of worthiness, the feeling that I'm glad I'm me, with my genes and background, my body, my unique thoughts. Without our own approval, we have little to offer. If we don't feel worth loving, it's hard to believe that others love us; instead, we tend to see others as appraisers or judges of our value.
Show your children unconditional love. Carefully separate the doer from the deed, and the performer from the performance. The message: "I love you no matter what happens, and I'm always there for you" is one of most important concepts in building a feeling of worthiness or intrinsic value in children. After every reprimand, let them know you love them. Before they go to sleep at night, give them the reassurance that, regardless of what happened that day, you love them unconditionally.
A healthy sense of belonging, identity, and worthiness can only be rooted in intrinsic core values as opposed to outer, often material, motivation. Without them, we depend on others constantly to fill our leaking reserves of self-esteem – but also tend to suspect others of ulterior motives. Unable to accept or reject others' opinions for what they're worth, we are defensive about criticism and paranoid about praise – and no amount of praise can replace the missing qualities.
A healthy sense of belonging, identity, and worthiness is also essential to belief in your dreams. It is most essential during difficult times, when you have only a dream to hang on to.
A Sense of Control and Competence: Early in my career in motivational psychology, I thought the chair of self-esteem balanced firmly on those three legs, especially since they involved intrinsic core values. It took much time and research to realize that a fourth leg – one of the most important – was missing.
There are many reasons why few Americans currently in high school and college believe they were born to win. The supportive extended family – in many cases, even the nuclear family – is disappearing. Role models are increasingly unhealthy. The commercial media bombards young senses ever more insistently with crime, violence, hedonism, and other unhealthy forms of escape. But whatever the explanation, constructive citizens and leaders in society cannot emerge and develop without the creative imagination that serves them like fuel – which is why the apprehension, frustration, and hesitation I see and hear in the younger generation is cause for concern. At the moment, the future they imagine will help drive neither happiness nor success.
The chair's fourth leg is self-efficacy, a functional belief in your ability to control what happens to you in a changing, uncertain world. A sense of worthiness may give you the emotional means to venture, but you need self-efficacy, the sense of competence and control, to believe you can succeed. That's why it is so important to assign responsibility for small tasks to your children as early as possible so they can learn that their choices and efforts result in consequences and successes. The more success they experience, the stronger their confidence grows – and the more responsibility they want to assume.
Give them specific household chores and duties they can accomplish and be proud of. Teach them that their problems and setbacks are just temporary inconveniences and learning experiences. Emphasize it constantly: Setbacks are not failures.
Armed with a view of failure as a learning experience, children can develop an early eagerness for new challenges and will be less afraid to try new skills. Although they appreciate compliments, they benefit most from their own belief that they are making a valuable contribution to life, according to their own internal standards.
In an increasingly competitive global marketplace, each new, young member of the workforce simply must believe that he or she is a team leader, a self-empowered, quality individual who expresses that quality in excellent production and service. With increasing pressures on profit and the need to do more with fewer workers because of e-commerce and changing technology, it is essential that parents and business leaders help raise the value of their childrens' and employees' stock in themselves.
Our Kids are Not Our Clones
One of the most valuable lessons I have learned in being an effective family leader and in raising six children is to: "Treat our children with the same respect, we expect from them." Our children are not clones or copies of us. Although they mimic us and other adults as role models, they cannot be expected to feel or act the way we do. Kahlil Gibran is my favorite on the subject:
Your children are not your children.
They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself….
You may give them your love but not your thoughts,
For they have their own thoughts.
You may house their bodies but not their souls,
For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit,
Not even in your dreams.
You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them be like you.
For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday
-- Denis Waitley
An ancient Chinese proverb tells us, "A child's life is like a piece of paper on which every passerby leaves a mark." We cannot teach our children self-esteem. We can only help them discover it within themselves by adding positive marks and strokes on their slates. All positive motivation is rooted in self-esteem – the development of which, just as with other skills takes practice. Think of self-esteem as a four-legged chair.
A Sense of Belonging: The first leg of self-esteem is a sense of belonging. We all have a deep-seated need to feel we're part of something larger than ourselves. This need, which psychologists call an affiliation drive, encompasses people, places and possessions. Our instinct for belonging – for being wanted, accepted, enjoyed, and loved by close ones – is extremely powerful. It explains the bond of an extended family, friends, and teammates. It also explains why some adolescents join gangs. They want to belong, even if it's wrong.
Make your children proud of their family heritage and make your home a place where they feel safe, loved and welcome. Also, make your home a place where your children want to bring their friends, rather than a place they want to leave as soon as possible.
A Sense of Individual Identity: The second leg, which complements the sense of belonging, is a sense of individual identity. No human being is exactly like another, not even an identical twin. We are all unique combinations of talents and traits that never existed before and will never exist again in quite the same package. (This explains why most parents believe their children came from different planets!)
Observe your children as they grow and play. Watch their learning styles. Notice what they love to do in their free time. Help them discover their unique positive talents and help nurture them into skills. Report cards don't necessarily measure talents. They often are a measure only of discipline, memory and attention span.
A Sense of Worthiness: The third leg of self-esteem is a sense of worthiness, the feeling that I'm glad I'm me, with my genes and background, my body, my unique thoughts. Without our own approval, we have little to offer. If we don't feel worth loving, it's hard to believe that others love us; instead, we tend to see others as appraisers or judges of our value.
Show your children unconditional love. Carefully separate the doer from the deed, and the performer from the performance. The message: "I love you no matter what happens, and I'm always there for you" is one of most important concepts in building a feeling of worthiness or intrinsic value in children. After every reprimand, let them know you love them. Before they go to sleep at night, give them the reassurance that, regardless of what happened that day, you love them unconditionally.
A healthy sense of belonging, identity, and worthiness can only be rooted in intrinsic core values as opposed to outer, often material, motivation. Without them, we depend on others constantly to fill our leaking reserves of self-esteem – but also tend to suspect others of ulterior motives. Unable to accept or reject others' opinions for what they're worth, we are defensive about criticism and paranoid about praise – and no amount of praise can replace the missing qualities.
A healthy sense of belonging, identity, and worthiness is also essential to belief in your dreams. It is most essential during difficult times, when you have only a dream to hang on to.
A Sense of Control and Competence: Early in my career in motivational psychology, I thought the chair of self-esteem balanced firmly on those three legs, especially since they involved intrinsic core values. It took much time and research to realize that a fourth leg – one of the most important – was missing.
There are many reasons why few Americans currently in high school and college believe they were born to win. The supportive extended family – in many cases, even the nuclear family – is disappearing. Role models are increasingly unhealthy. The commercial media bombards young senses ever more insistently with crime, violence, hedonism, and other unhealthy forms of escape. But whatever the explanation, constructive citizens and leaders in society cannot emerge and develop without the creative imagination that serves them like fuel – which is why the apprehension, frustration, and hesitation I see and hear in the younger generation is cause for concern. At the moment, the future they imagine will help drive neither happiness nor success.
The chair's fourth leg is self-efficacy, a functional belief in your ability to control what happens to you in a changing, uncertain world. A sense of worthiness may give you the emotional means to venture, but you need self-efficacy, the sense of competence and control, to believe you can succeed. That's why it is so important to assign responsibility for small tasks to your children as early as possible so they can learn that their choices and efforts result in consequences and successes. The more success they experience, the stronger their confidence grows – and the more responsibility they want to assume.
Give them specific household chores and duties they can accomplish and be proud of. Teach them that their problems and setbacks are just temporary inconveniences and learning experiences. Emphasize it constantly: Setbacks are not failures.
Armed with a view of failure as a learning experience, children can develop an early eagerness for new challenges and will be less afraid to try new skills. Although they appreciate compliments, they benefit most from their own belief that they are making a valuable contribution to life, according to their own internal standards.
In an increasingly competitive global marketplace, each new, young member of the workforce simply must believe that he or she is a team leader, a self-empowered, quality individual who expresses that quality in excellent production and service. With increasing pressures on profit and the need to do more with fewer workers because of e-commerce and changing technology, it is essential that parents and business leaders help raise the value of their childrens' and employees' stock in themselves.
Our Kids are Not Our Clones
One of the most valuable lessons I have learned in being an effective family leader and in raising six children is to: "Treat our children with the same respect, we expect from them." Our children are not clones or copies of us. Although they mimic us and other adults as role models, they cannot be expected to feel or act the way we do. Kahlil Gibran is my favorite on the subject:
Your children are not your children.
They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself….
You may give them your love but not your thoughts,
For they have their own thoughts.
You may house their bodies but not their souls,
For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit,
Not even in your dreams.
You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them be like you.
For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday
-- Denis Waitley
Monday, May 25, 2009
早在前一个月前从报章报导及朋友的告知,ALOR SETAR 的幼儿园被手足口症症状侵袭,有十多间的幼儿园就因为此症状而被迫关闭。那时的我开始防备及担心,我有很多的家长的老家或亲戚都是在ALOR SETAR 的。在午间在与老师们开每日会议时,特别强调此事还叫老师们留意小天使们,如果发现某小天使有此症状就马上向我及小瓜父母亲报告。也在早上向小天使们报告,告诉她他们什么是手足口症,如何发现此症状(就是嘴巴会有破洞,手脚会有起水泡的红点和带有发烧症状)及如何防范(要勤洗手,和和多多水)等等。当时就有某某小天使告知发现亲戚家里的谁谁发烧,嘴巴破等等。唯有交代她他们如果有此现象马上要父母亲带他们去看医生。就特别提醒老师们及清洁工人用多点清洁液的分量(特别用防范此症状,用来杀菌的)抹洗全部角落,尤其是厕所最为重要的。
在陆陆续续,提心吊胆度过了一个礼拜,发现了第一个感染者,这位家长从信息中通知我他的孩子感染了此症状,也要我提防其他的小瓜是否会有被传染。而我的预感也会知道接下来的会是谁将会被感染。就是他的难兄难弟,也马上传电信要家长们提防。由于本人不喜欢掩盖真相,也为了小瓜们的健康及着想,马上要老师们在小天使们进校门的那一霎那检查口手及脚的地方。如果发现就马上要家长带孩子看医生。不出我所料,第一个感染者的难兄难弟在三天后也感染了。本人也从医院的医生告知,因为此症状连医院小儿科的病床爆满,有的感染者被迫回家休息。在发现第三个感染者后,此症状慢慢的緩慢下来。在过了七天的安全期后,以为将会与此症状告别,已过天晴。哪知在第八天老师从三岁的小天使哪发现了三个被怀疑是此症状的感染者。通常老师们都不敢下判断,就通知本人检查是否这三个小瓜们受感染。在我的经验之下(我儿在九年前,第一次发生手足口症时感染了,那时还没有药可以镇压此症状呢!),觉得三个都是受感染了,马上把这件事件通知三位家长们,告诉他们我怀疑小瓜们受感染了。从其中一个妈妈那处知道原来他们在前几天回去ALOR SETAR 家婆处,发现四面八方邻居的小孩子们都感染了此症状。那时我心知不妙,也预感将会有很多小天使将会是下个受害者。通常此症状的潜沃期在小瓜们发现嘴巴破洞时开始转播,当发现手脚都起红泡点时,都已经尘埃落定矣!同时也向卫生局报告此事件,卫生局马上派两位官员前来检查三个小瓜们后,确认他们是受感染了。也通知我原来此症状的元凶是来自大人,任何一个大人都很容易感染,只是他们的症状至处于口破,手脚并没有起红点,当大人接触孩子时,就把此细菌传染给小瓜们了。卫生局还特地交代一定要让家长们知道此事,当然我也将此事一一告知其他的家长,也通过转电信的方式传达。卫生局官员也劝告本人只有两个方式让我选择,第一,把感染者隔离在家,在10天过后方能上学,学校照上课。第二,把学校关闭十天,让此症状细菌完全切断。叫我好好考虑,因为有几间幼教也发现此症状,它们都选择前个方案。当时本人已经心中做了决定。但没有间接告知官员。送走了官员后就接到两个家长告诉我医生已经下判断是手足口症,另一个家长说医生说不是,只是天气热而导致口破。但始终我还是很当心下一个受害者又会是谁呢?那时的心情,坎坷不安,七上八下。当天学校有办清洁活动,让每个小天使们都为学校教室做出贡献,要小天使们把课室打扫清洁,分工合作的。看他们每个都很卖力的付出,心中百般滋味,感恩小瓜们的付出。
在陆陆续续,提心吊胆度过了一个礼拜,发现了第一个感染者,这位家长从信息中通知我他的孩子感染了此症状,也要我提防其他的小瓜是否会有被传染。而我的预感也会知道接下来的会是谁将会被感染。就是他的难兄难弟,也马上传电信要家长们提防。由于本人不喜欢掩盖真相,也为了小瓜们的健康及着想,马上要老师们在小天使们进校门的那一霎那检查口手及脚的地方。如果发现就马上要家长带孩子看医生。不出我所料,第一个感染者的难兄难弟在三天后也感染了。本人也从医院的医生告知,因为此症状连医院小儿科的病床爆满,有的感染者被迫回家休息。在发现第三个感染者后,此症状慢慢的緩慢下来。在过了七天的安全期后,以为将会与此症状告别,已过天晴。哪知在第八天老师从三岁的小天使哪发现了三个被怀疑是此症状的感染者。通常老师们都不敢下判断,就通知本人检查是否这三个小瓜们受感染。在我的经验之下(我儿在九年前,第一次发生手足口症时感染了,那时还没有药可以镇压此症状呢!),觉得三个都是受感染了,马上把这件事件通知三位家长们,告诉他们我怀疑小瓜们受感染了。从其中一个妈妈那处知道原来他们在前几天回去ALOR SETAR 家婆处,发现四面八方邻居的小孩子们都感染了此症状。那时我心知不妙,也预感将会有很多小天使将会是下个受害者。通常此症状的潜沃期在小瓜们发现嘴巴破洞时开始转播,当发现手脚都起红泡点时,都已经尘埃落定矣!同时也向卫生局报告此事件,卫生局马上派两位官员前来检查三个小瓜们后,确认他们是受感染了。也通知我原来此症状的元凶是来自大人,任何一个大人都很容易感染,只是他们的症状至处于口破,手脚并没有起红点,当大人接触孩子时,就把此细菌传染给小瓜们了。卫生局还特地交代一定要让家长们知道此事,当然我也将此事一一告知其他的家长,也通过转电信的方式传达。卫生局官员也劝告本人只有两个方式让我选择,第一,把感染者隔离在家,在10天过后方能上学,学校照上课。第二,把学校关闭十天,让此症状细菌完全切断。叫我好好考虑,因为有几间幼教也发现此症状,它们都选择前个方案。当时本人已经心中做了决定。但没有间接告知官员。送走了官员后就接到两个家长告诉我医生已经下判断是手足口症,另一个家长说医生说不是,只是天气热而导致口破。但始终我还是很当心下一个受害者又会是谁呢?那时的心情,坎坷不安,七上八下。当天学校有办清洁活动,让每个小天使们都为学校教室做出贡献,要小天使们把课室打扫清洁,分工合作的。看他们每个都很卖力的付出,心中百般滋味,感恩小瓜们的付出。
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