QQ's Philosophy

Our Vission - To create a practical kindergarten programme which educates children to learn effectively, Socialize easily and laugh heartily.
我们的愿景 - 创造有一个实习教育的幼儿园,培养孩子有效率的学习能力,人际沟通和从内心发出热忱地笑声。

Our Mission - The QQ programme provides children A fun-filled learning environment for The development of a holistic person In life.
我们的使命 - 提供孩子们拥有一个充满欢乐的学习环境,启发完整的人生

Our Aim - To provide quality learning programmes through interaction, experiments, play and activities that enhance learning outcomes.
我们的目标 - 提供有素质的学习课程,从人与人的沟通,生活实地的测验,活动性的游戏,增强学习的成果。

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Why QQ's Physical Education benefits your kid?

In order to live a well-rounded healthy lifestyle physical activity should be incorporated into your child’s daily activities. Exercise helps our bodies to reach peak performance and is known to reduce health risks like cardiovascular problems. Exercise also aides in building overall strength, bone density, healthy joints and muscles all while helping to maintain a healthy weight.

In addition exercise has also been shown to help in other ways as well. Children who get the appropriate amount of daily exercise also enjoy the ability to sleep better as well as reduce stress levels.

Even given all the health benefits that come with exercise 50% of Malaysian adults still don’t get enough exercise. Just like with our nutrition, the exercise habits we create when we’re young are usually carried over into our adult life. So gets your kid moving now to keep them healthy well into future.

QQ’s Physical Education is covered above benefits and children really enjoy and gain the benefits during Physical Education carry on by every Friday!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

QQ Practical Life lesson

Many parents find it really challenging to cultivate their children's individuality. After all, it is only natural for them to feel that they should always be at their children's side, to provide their needs, to shield them from danger, and to nourish them both physically and emotionally.

But we give so much fuss when our children can perform tasks independently. Certainly, there is nothing wrong in wanting to express our love for them in practical ways. Unfortunately, it does not help when we 'smother' our children!

Let Them Do It! The ideal period to teach children responsibility and nurture independence is during their early years. Your children try to copy you as soon as they are born. Young children try out tasks reserved for adults, eagerly taking on new challenges.

To learn to be independent is to establish autonomy. Being independent makes children feel a very strong sense of self-esteem. Children are feeling good about themselves when they make their own choices. This means that pride in themselves is the greatest motivator.

Monday, June 13, 2011

用cari makan载你去吃风

昨天新的一个学期,白老师特地去班上向久而不见的小天使们打招呼,其中一个三岁的小天使。GUAN AN, 一见到白老师就大声叫‘白老师。。。。。。’后跑过来深深地拥抱白老师。刚巧白老师昨天心血来潮就穿了件连身裙,短至膝盖上。这位小天使就说。。。。

冠安 : 白老师,今天你为什么穿裙?
白 : 是呀!白老师今天很想穿裙给冠安看呀!美不美?
冠安 :美咯!白老师。。。。
白 : 谢谢你!冠安,那么就没有见到白老师,你有想白老师吗?
这位小天使还是紧抱着不放白老师说; 我可想死你了。。。白老师。。。 (哈哈哈)
白 : 哪。。。放假去哪里呀?
冠安 : 叔叔让我坐及驾CARI MAKAN呢!还有很大风呢!
白 : 哦!好不好玩?
冠安 : 好玩。。。。白老师,等我长大后,喔用CARI MAKAN载你去吃风ha....好不好?

当然!白老师一面大声的笑回答冠安。。好。。好。。好。。。但是白老师心里却想着,以后等冠安长大二十年后, 那时候的白老师已经是六十岁的老婆婆了, 不知冠安还要不要载白婆婆呢!哈哈哈!

Great motivation movie share to you

An academic is not an important now the day, humanity is the most for us to input our kid.

Kindly enjoy the title of movie INSPIRATIONAL VIDEO FOR PARENT .


Sunday, June 12, 2011

First day after long school Holidays

After break for long holidays, Today is a first day schooling after long school holidays, what is the situation for little angel? Some of them look like steadily and some of them started cries when enter to the school compound. However, it's possible that the current situation could continue until next week.