QQ's Philosophy

Our Vission - To create a practical kindergarten programme which educates children to learn effectively, Socialize easily and laugh heartily.
我们的愿景 - 创造有一个实习教育的幼儿园,培养孩子有效率的学习能力,人际沟通和从内心发出热忱地笑声。

Our Mission - The QQ programme provides children A fun-filled learning environment for The development of a holistic person In life.
我们的使命 - 提供孩子们拥有一个充满欢乐的学习环境,启发完整的人生

Our Aim - To provide quality learning programmes through interaction, experiments, play and activities that enhance learning outcomes.
我们的目标 - 提供有素质的学习课程,从人与人的沟通,生活实地的测验,活动性的游戏,增强学习的成果。

Friday, December 31, 2010

New announcement and adjustment

As we know, Kindergarten is a place for spreading virus or bacteria, virus or bacteria is the main course let children fall sick. in order to minimize the virus or bacteria spread. our school would upgrade 5 @ 6 sets or AIR PURIFIER brand 'C' to minimize the virus @ bacteria spread. Therefore, effective from 1st of February, we will adjust and increase our school $10/student. Which means daily spend only 30 cents your kid will enjoy for the new facility. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

大家都知道,幼儿园是一个散播病毒及细菌的其中之一场所,为了减低孩子们感染病毒及细菌,白老师决定在二月份开始安装 C’品牌空气过滤并有杀菌功能的器材以便改善并提升学校空气素质。因此,从二月一号开始本园的学费将会有所调整,每位学生学费将增加十元正。只要每天的三十仙,孩子将会减少感染病毒。谢谢你们的体谅及合作!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

2011 Parent Orientation slide

Dear Parent,

here to attached our school rule and regulation for parent orientation preview slide. if

you have miss out the preview kindly refer to the link and pay a visit. Thank you!

THank you!

Note: If you fail to open please visit at QQ blog on the RIGHT scroll down check with title box ALL QQ SLIDE PREVIEW and get the slide preview.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

are you doing the right thing for your baby’s development?


This is wonderful video clip story about the children if you didn't coach in proper way, future might facing same difficulty. so, parent please think carefully, how do you want to coach your children when they are young...

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

School new facility

We always keep our promise to reinvest new facility to all of our angels. bai lao shi do have a plan to invest few air purifier for every class. what the big investment !!!!

Monday, December 27, 2010

I have my friends and toy here

Children are so enjoyed during school adaptation period........