are not great at multitasking. They are incredibly smart, have amazing
imaginations and are curious beyond belief, but when it comes to doing a few
major things at once, it can be overwhelming. Adjusting to preschool is tops on
the list of "things that can cause a child stress." And even if your
little one loved preschool from the very first day, he can't
wait to get out of the car and into the classroom, it is likely that you may
see some regression in other parts of his life.
as a child learns a new skill or task, other areas will suffer. So while he's
at school, getting used to the routine there, making new friends, learning
about shapes and
colors and maybe even how to write letters, there is a lot going on in his
brain. There is lots to remember and take in. It's fun, but it is still
different and stressful. Home is safe. It's a constant. It's natural to expect
an occasional extra temper tantrum and
can help by being supportive. Lots of hugs and encouraging words. Talking is
good too. Ask your child to name his favorite things about preschool. Who are
his friends? What does he play outside or at free time? Praise him for doing
such a great job at school as well as when he does "big boy" things at home --
maybe he remembered to hang up his coat or put away his toys without
being asked. Drawing attention to the good things is a great way to encourage
that type of behavior.
The timing is important too. If this
is occurring on occasion, say, only when he is tired or after school, chances
are this should all sort itself out within a few weeks. If he is acting like
this all the time, you may want to consult your the teacher or your
pediatrician. If you preschooler is young (under three-and-a-half) or this is
the first year of preschool, scaling back hours might help him relax as well.
You can increase the time he spends in school slowly, monitoring his actions
and behavior as you go.
taken from internet articles.
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