QQ's Philosophy

Our Vission - To create a practical kindergarten programme which educates children to learn effectively, Socialize easily and laugh heartily.
我们的愿景 - 创造有一个实习教育的幼儿园,培养孩子有效率的学习能力,人际沟通和从内心发出热忱地笑声。

Our Mission - The QQ programme provides children A fun-filled learning environment for The development of a holistic person In life.
我们的使命 - 提供孩子们拥有一个充满欢乐的学习环境,启发完整的人生

Our Aim - To provide quality learning programmes through interaction, experiments, play and activities that enhance learning outcomes.
我们的目标 - 提供有素质的学习课程,从人与人的沟通,生活实地的测验,活动性的游戏,增强学习的成果。

Friday, December 31, 2010

New announcement and adjustment

As we know, Kindergarten is a place for spreading virus or bacteria, virus or bacteria is the main course let children fall sick. in order to minimize the virus or bacteria spread. our school would upgrade 5 @ 6 sets or AIR PURIFIER brand 'C' to minimize the virus @ bacteria spread. Therefore, effective from 1st of February, we will adjust and increase our school $10/student. Which means daily spend only 30 cents your kid will enjoy for the new facility. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

大家都知道,幼儿园是一个散播病毒及细菌的其中之一场所,为了减低孩子们感染病毒及细菌,白老师决定在二月份开始安装 C’品牌空气过滤并有杀菌功能的器材以便改善并提升学校空气素质。因此,从二月一号开始本园的学费将会有所调整,每位学生学费将增加十元正。只要每天的三十仙,孩子将会减少感染病毒。谢谢你们的体谅及合作!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

2011 Parent Orientation slide

Dear Parent,

here to attached our school rule and regulation for parent orientation preview slide. if

you have miss out the preview kindly refer to the link and pay a visit. Thank you!

THank you!

Note: If you fail to open please visit at QQ blog on the RIGHT scroll down check with title box ALL QQ SLIDE PREVIEW and get the slide preview.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

are you doing the right thing for your baby’s development?


This is wonderful video clip story about the children if you didn't coach in proper way, future might facing same difficulty. so, parent please think carefully, how do you want to coach your children when they are young...

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

School new facility

We always keep our promise to reinvest new facility to all of our angels. bai lao shi do have a plan to invest few air purifier for every class. what the big investment !!!!

Monday, December 27, 2010

I have my friends and toy here

Children are so enjoyed during school adaptation period........

Monday, December 13, 2010

QQ Graduation & COncert Photos

Our little MC on the stage
All the little angels on the stage (2 to 5)

Back stage - funny posting

They are standby for the show
Cute! right? i love this posting photo



Monday, December 6, 2010

Feedback from Parent


2010 QQ Graduation & Concert Function


Wednesday, November 24, 2010






Friday, November 19, 2010

QQ Little TGD


Little Magician Holiday Programme

Dear all readers,
The children start the school day soon, if you looking for extra fun and to enrich your angel holiday live, let to join in our special holiday programme. there is LITTLE MAGICIAN HOLIDAY PROGRAMME shall be carry out on 13,14 & 15 Dec 2010 duration 9.00am till 12.00nn. please get attached form and fill in submit to QQ teacher by 3rd Dec 2010 (Friday). Thank you!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Our QQ Year End Graduation and Concert

You are most welcome to bring your relative to attend our year end concert, is totally free of charge and all the children will get the mistery gift on that day...

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


For 3 years old children, they still not able to manage the fine mottor skill yet, children work are not so tidy because of the fine mottor skill problem

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Please care about your kid

Don’t you think our kid even though they are young, they also need somebody to listen with them, talk with them and play with them? Recently bai lao shi just consulted one of the boy who only 5 after his mother feedback recently he has been changed his emotional became hot temper. When adults asked him to do some jobs he won’t reply and few times calling him, he will reply with shouted and refuse to do. Mother asking bai lao shi help to talk to him but as my understanding this boy should not has any hot temper problem at school and he always shown very happy emotion during schooling time. He likes to talkative to among of his friends and he mentioned to me, he really loves to chat with bai lao shi as well. If long time didn’t chat with me sure he will act some funny action (like refuse come to school with some funny reason, normally his mother will call up bai lao shi and asking for help. After bai lao shi spoke with him on phone even though a few words only, sure tomorrow he will came to school like daily routine).

He can lies to bai lao shi he has been bath early in the morning just because want bai lao shi to kiss and hug him during morning but as my understanding he will not bath in the morning since he was 3 years old. After clarified with his mother understand his is lying to me. After chat with him regarding his mother feedback he is turn to hot temper during at home. What the answer you think he gave to me?? He said nobody listen to him and chat with him at home. Youngest and elder sister brother bullies him during at home; bai lao shi asking him why didn’t feedback to parent or adults at home? He said both of the parents are always not around and the only adult he has been feedback too also didn’t take any action on it. After few cases happened, he has given out and just keeps quiet only.

Bai lao shi told all the story to his mother after consulting him, his mother replied he is a quiet boy and seldom to chat with him because of he really slow reply. Mother couldn’t wait him and just ignore the conversation. His mother also admit that they are seldom hug him at home because he never asking hug from the parent. As a children educator, bai lao shi gives an advice to his mother, please hug the boy although the boy didn’t ask for hug and please be patience to kid who are slow reply. Spend few minutes to her son every day.

For Bai lao shi, this kid is really talkative at school and always asking bai lao shi to hug and kiss him when he saw me. He will try to meet me everyday just because want to chat with bai lao shi . Sometime he will shout ‘ Bai lao shi , I love you” with loud voice.

Sunday, October 31, 2010



Sunday, October 24, 2010




董事長從該青年的履歷上發現,該青年成績一 貫優秀,從中學到研究生



董事長問:是你的父親 為您付學費嗎?





董事長問:你幫你母 親洗過衣服嗎?


董事長說:我有個要求,你今天回家,給你母 親洗一次雙手,明天上午你再來見我。





青年第一次體會到,母親就是 每天用這雙有傷口的手洗衣服為他付學費,母親的這






該青年回答說:我給母親洗完手之後, 我幫母親把剩下的衣服都洗了。


該青年說:第一,我懂得了感恩,沒有我 母親,我不可能有今天。




假如一位孩子從小嬌生慣養,習 慣了被人圍著寵著,什麼都是“我”第一,

你可以讓你的孩子住 大房子,吃大餐,學鋼琴,看大屏電視,但你在割草時








Yein Yein 颖颖:“我個人觀察,關鍵在於沒有分班制度。沒分班就沒所謂聰明和笨的學生,全部一視同仁;也不需操心好老師分配去哪;不用再緊張排名和分數(反正沒用到),家長沒得比較,就不會施壓給學生和學校,要補習要做多多功課(其實也只是在做重複的東西);學生不會小小就培養競爭(未必是良性的)、自私、功利等等不良心態。也不用在不必要的壓力下學習,可以單純一點度過童年。我是堅決反對分班的人,至少在小學階段,這是我選學校的指標。有些學校還离譜到一



Lai Chiew Peng:“我认为每一个人都有强,弱点. 教育, 不应该为任何人贴上标签, 尤其是孩子. 每一个人的开窍时间不一样, 我们应当给他们时间. 我在刘墉书里看过说, 大意为~买了一间房子, 花园里看似杂草的, 通通给除了. 后于旧屋主闲聊才得之里面有很多珍贵的品种, 不同时段, 不同花开. 当初如果不急, 这花园将会一年四季都会是最漂亮的.

我紧记于心. 每一朵花, 都有它开花的季节. 每一个孩子, 都有他开窍的时侯. 别急. 别急。”


Posted by: 翰通 at 下午12:00 通过电子邮件发送 BlogThis! 共享给 Twitter 共享给 Facebook 共享给 Google Buzz

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Real Situation during children play

This is the real situation when 3 years old children play at outdoor, QQ syllabus not on focus on the study, we do more concerned an acitivities, outdoor acitivity will train children gross mottor skill. we want the children having a smart brain and also need to have healthy body..

Need your reply and opinion.

Do you agree? due to children safety concern, should school has an authority to rejects outsider visit to school internal or compound during schooling session. your agreement or opinion will strong support our school recently act.

Monday, October 18, 2010

School Safety concern

QQ Kindergarten and Nursery open to outsider for visit every Saturday after 2pm till 5pm. We are concerned safety purpose to all our little angels here; thus, Normal schooling day will not open for visit. We seek your cooperation and thank you for your understanding.


Thursday, October 14, 2010



Sunday, October 10, 2010


今年的旧生保留巴仙率竟然高达98%! 而新生已经高达十多位了!有的是本园家长们鼎力推荐前来报名的。这可是很令人鼓舞的成绩呀!感谢所有的家长们鼎力支持,白老师在此承诺会继续搞好QQ和会不断再接再厉为本园的小天使们努力。当然,这些功劳也少不了老师们的付出。借此也感谢老师们在一年来无怨言的付出。

Friday, October 1, 2010

2011 New Intake

QQ 2010 Lantern Festival Party

Finally the QQ 2010 Lantern Festival Party has been successful done. Parents and kids are really enjoy and almost all the little angels (staying till end of the event) get the prizes back to home.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

2011 Easy payment scheme 2011 年分期付款计划

Exsiting student 2011 Easy payment scheme 旧生2011分期付款计划

To alleviate Parent’s financial; QQ would like to implement EASY PAYMENT SCHEME to all of our parents and to be fair to existing students who continue study at QQ next year 2011, your kid also entitle to enjoy the easy payment scheme according to installment dated provided and above school bag and digital watches.


Saturday, September 25, 2010


Thank you for attending the Lantern Festival on 25-09, your attendance definitely cheers our event and hope you are enjoy to our planned activities and games. Thank you your shared food to all our parents here. Please forgive is anything wrong and miss out the arrangement.

感谢各位出席本园月光会的家长, 您的出席率让本园的活动生色不少,我相信大家都非常喜欢本园为你们准备的游戏机活动。谢谢大家所带来分享的食物,如果有不对及招待不周的地方,请大家原谅。

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

News Papaer Giang Hua advertised QQ angels News

绚丽服饰稚幼走步 42小靓模展魅力
二零一零年九月二十一日 晚上七时五十九分



累积参赛经验 呈献舞蹈服装秀



Monday, September 20, 2010

Children reading BC Flash Card

Don't under estimate children recognation, they able to recall when teacher asked them to read the flash card wording but some of them needs bit time for recalling.

Happy Chong Qiu Jie

中秋来临百花香,一则祝福语带六香,一香送你摇钱树,二香送你贵人扶,三香送你教书好,四香送你没烦恼,五香送你钱满香, 六香送你永安康。白老师在此祝福大家中秋节快乐! 记得来参与本园星期六二十五号晚上七点半QQ中秋庆团圆活动。

Bai lao shi whishing you happy Moon Festival, don't forget our event on Saturday 25th 7.30pm.

New Enrollment for 2011

QQ Kindergarten & Nursery open day on 16 & 17 Oct 2010 Saturday & Sunday, Morning 11am till 5pm. New enrollment will get one sport wear free during registration on opne day. Don't miss up please helps to fprward this good news to your friend who looking for Kindergarten or Nursery. Thanks

Sunday, August 29, 2010

QQ 2010 Year End Concert and Graduation Night

Re : QQ 2010 Graduation and Concert night

As part of our continuous effort to promote holistic education, to build strong self-confidence and character and to develop individual talents and creativity, we have decided all the students have to participate in this upcoming concert. Hence, we are pleased to announce that we will be organizing the “2010 Year End Graduation & Concert Night" as follow:-

,全 ,本 以下的日期 终毕 , .

Date /日期 : 05 / 12 / 2010 (Sunday)

Time /时间 : 2pm ~6pm

Venue /地点 : PARK AVENUE HOTEL (Taman Sejati Indah)

We sincerely hope all the parents can extend your fullest support and cooperation to us in order to make the upcoming 2010 Concert" a success one. Thank you.

的支 和合作 2010 。谢谢


Notice : Sept Shut Down notices

Please be informed that’s our school will be shut down following School & Public holidays ;

1) 3rd School Holidays (4th Sep till 09th Sep 2010 ) – Day care as usual .

学校假期从九月四号至九月九号 (全日制照常

2) Celebrate Hari Raya Aidil Fitri ( 10th till 11th Sep ) – No Day Care provides

欢庆马来同胞开斋节 九月十号至十一号( 无全日制

3) Celebrate One Malaysia Day (16th Sep) – No Day Care & No school

欢庆一个马来西亚日 九月十六号 (无课及无全日制)

4Lantern Party (25th Sep 2010, 7.30pm till 9.30pm

中秋节晚会 九月二十五号,晚上七点半点至九点半点

Note : Pertaining items no.4, the details shall inform later.


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

QQ Cretive Fun Holiday programme 、 QQ假期欢乐创意课程

In order to occupy and plenitude your children holidays. QQ have been organized a Fun-fill Holiday Programme for all levels children. The programme structure to build your children characteristic, creativity, Motor skill, socialization, curiousness and happiness. Kindly refer following details;

Programme structures;

1) QQ fun Origami programme

2) QQ fun Clay programme

3) QQ fun Sand Art programme

4) QQ fun creative Art programme

Date commence : 6th and 7th Sept ( Monday and Tuesday )

Duration : 9.00am till 12.00nn ( 3 hours )

Ages : 3 till primary children ( all class are base on age group )

The Programme fees are included :

1) Origami Materials

2) Creative Sand Art Materials

3) 1 Box of Clay Materials

4) Creative Art Materials

Please reverse your angels name to our teacher before 01/09/2010 Wednesday.

Note : All Day care children are strongly recommended to participate.

Communication lesson

One of QQ syllabus is how to communicate with little angels, our teachers are not rushing the syllabuses, we are strongly advise teachers communicate more with little angels and teachers as a observer to guide the angels. you can see how the angels answering the question to teacher.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

How to teach Tongue's syllabus?

QQ kindergarten believes that children need to learn from an activity, while teacher plan to teach them Tongue lesson, teacher need to prepare few tastes food for them then tell them to make an statement after taste the foods. some of them will shown out sour face when tasting sour food and some of them shown happy face sure we will know they are take the sweet food.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Why Children love to learn from activities

Children love to learn the lesson through an activities rather than sitting open the book. of course all the kindergarten are using books as a teaching materials. thus, QQ school always believe children need to learn from an activities and proven the learning outcomes.

When teacher throw out the questions, children have to try to complete the tasks but actually this might needs some times and depending to the children cognitive. certain children need much time to thinking what actually teacher needs from them? and we can see that some of none patience child will helps to the peer who has to complete the tasks given by teacher. and of course, children looks very happy and enjoying to the activity.

You might interrupting children learning lesson

I would appreciate if parent call for inquire children matter or school work matter on afternoon 2.30pm till 3.00pm. you will interrupt children learning lesson session when you call on 8.30am - 12.30pm. and children might happen unnecessary incident when teacher attend to you.

If you have any inquire or messages during morning session, please call Bai Lao Shi directly on hand phone.

Monday, August 9, 2010

One Malaysia Traditinal Costume



Sunday, August 8, 2010

One Malaysia Traditional Costume Contest

03-08-2010 7.30pm location Central Square Sg Petani.

We are trying to let our little angels to have nice and wonderful memories during under preschool ages beside an education. Therefore, when the organizer calling Bai Lao Shi, we are decided to let our angels to participate, why not?

Total 55 persons who are came from 5 areas for this contest. The theme of the contest is ONE MALAYSIA TRADITIONAL COSTUME. Because of responds to our 2010 Malaysia’s slogan, The organizer is propose for the Theme.

QQ has been sent 17 of little angels to participate of this meaningful event. And we knew that not only the kebaya, Jiong Sham and Sari are only our Malaysia costume, thus the Minang Karbau, Jippa, Orang Ulu, or Sabah and Sarawak costume also are part of our Malaysian Costume, we also know that the China Dynasty Costume is not belongs to our Malaysia costume, therefore, QQ is trying to get the special costume for our little angels.

Of course, thanks for all participants to participate this event. After done the entire cat walk, among 55 participants we have 5 of little angels are in the Top 10 finalist. Finally our 3 of little angels are won for the prizes. But some of the audiences are doubt on the Top 3 finalist, the China Dynasty also won for our One Malaysia Costume. Don’t you think this is not our Malaysia Costume??? Funny right?





