QQ's Philosophy

Our Vission - To create a practical kindergarten programme which educates children to learn effectively, Socialize easily and laugh heartily.
我们的愿景 - 创造有一个实习教育的幼儿园,培养孩子有效率的学习能力,人际沟通和从内心发出热忱地笑声。

Our Mission - The QQ programme provides children A fun-filled learning environment for The development of a holistic person In life.
我们的使命 - 提供孩子们拥有一个充满欢乐的学习环境,启发完整的人生

Our Aim - To provide quality learning programmes through interaction, experiments, play and activities that enhance learning outcomes.
我们的目标 - 提供有素质的学习课程,从人与人的沟通,生活实地的测验,活动性的游戏,增强学习的成果。

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Feedback from parents regarding decisions was make by school on HFM diseases

Here to thanks all the following parents are given positive feedback to our school regarding decisions was makes by us when HFM diseases virus found.
First for all, I would like to share with all the readers here, according health dept, when school found 5 children are infected with HFM virus, school are encourage to shut down for cut off. Health Dept will not considering school syllabuses are delaying. Is not consider fairing to day care services or study group. Shut down is the best solution to cut off the virus spreading. Certain parents are quarry on fairness of day care services. Please think once your little angel is infected by this virus, your house might have some of the little angels will get higher risk to become the next victims. From our side, we also don’t want shut down purposely. Standing at business angles, school are not encourages shutting down. But on the other angles, thinks of little angels’ healthiness. We have to shut down; otherwise the virus will keep on spreading. I do invoke all ours QQ parents, don’t think about negative way while school shut down, try to thinks about your little angels healthiness way. I don’t think as a parent your expenses are more important than your little angel healthiness. Right?

1) 您在什么时候接收到本人发出第一宗HFM 的信息,告诉家长们需要提防和不要送孩子来校如果有发现孩子有此症状?When you are receiving first email regarding school found HFM diseases and advised don’t let your kid come to school if you have found above diseases?
Parent 1 - Wednesday, 6 May, 2009 22:32
Parent 2 - I had received your message around the 3rd week of May,09 . About the FHM virus and caution items that need to take care of our child
Parent 3 - I received the email from Teacher Peh mentioned that school recently has HFM and parents need to take precaution about children's care. Then I received the call from Teacher Goh on 23/May’09. She told me that school has to close in advance for a week due to HFM and school would open 1 week earlier
Parent 4 - 6th of May 2009
Parent 5 - Yes, you do contact us 2 times the first mail I forgot the date and second mail on 5-May-09
Parent 6 - The 1st email I received from you was on May 6th where you mentioned that one of student has been infected with HFM disease

2) 本园有没有对家长们掩盖本园被HFM攻陷的真相?Does school management hiding any news when school are found HFM virus has been spreading?
Parent 1 - 没有
Parent 2 - No. QQ kindergarten has not cover up the HFM virus. Whereas, immediate action being taken out to make earlier announcement, to declare about the case has been happened/attacked to their few students.
Parent 3 - We don’t know the seriousness of HFM in QQ after 6/May'09, but we only know the school needs to close due to this reason on 23/May’09 after received the call from Teacher Goh. (Anyway, we don't know how many degrees the seriousness is )
Parent 4 - No. As information was send since 1st case detected
Parent 5 - We do not know either you hidden or not because we did not have any monitoring at QQ. "Just may be" - you did not know the case was happen, i believe you did not hide it from us. But now you got very good experience with know how to detect this problem in future.
Parent 6 - The 1st email I received from you was on May 6th where you mentioned that one of student has been infected with HFM disease

3) 您有什么看法,对以本园因为发现HFM传染采取提早关校的决策? 为什么?What is your opinions on school shut down immediately when found HFM Virus spreading? Why?
Parent 1 - 有勇气。因为不是每个人(院长)都能做到这一点,就是把事情曝光。
Parent 2 - Right action has been taken by QQ as below:-
i. Reporting to Pejabat kesihatan – To ensure the correct step and cleaning procedure need to be done.
ii. Proper messaging / info – To declare the HFM virus and prevention /cautions message were provided to parents.
iii. Earlier Shut down ( as school holiday ) – This is the better choice and students will resume back to class after 2 weeks school holiday ( Parents and QQ are in Win-Win condition )
Parent 3 - The right thing to do. Otherwise, the HFM will spread.
Parent 4 - It is a very good approach and action taken as this will prevent the spreading of the disease and eliminate others kid from suffering. Prevention is better than cure.
Parent 5 - Good. closed is better & faster way to stop the disease
Parent 6 - After we Darren was also infected on May 10th, he was admitted to Metro for 4 days. After he recovered, I've quarantined him at home for 1 week (from May 17th to 24th). He then went back to school on May 25th, but I again quarantined him from school on May 26th 3pm after received information from school that a 3 year old student again been infected. Few days after I received a call from Teacher Wing that school will be shut down for 1 week before school holiday

4) 您是不是同意,在发现有手足口症状后,照常上课,只是把感染者隔离在家?这样对其他的小天使们是否公平?Are you agree on school propose stimulate the infected children at home and school still carry on schooling? It is fair to all little angels?
Parent 1 - 情况受到控制之下,我能接受只须要把感染者隔离在家,照常上课。没有所谓的公不公平,若家长不放心,大可不送孩子去学校上课。
Parent 2 - Definitely not agree to those kids who has attacked by HFM virus and still coming to class. We love our children, surely we don’t let them suffering from any illness, etc….
Parent 3 - If for others kid without HFM, I agreed. But if I'm the parent of the kid with HFM, I don't agreed cause children might left behind the classes.... I think it is fair enough to close down the school. But it might be problem for those parents who are working and send their kids for day care... cause don't know how to arrange thier kids....
Parent 4 - It will not be effective to prevent the disease from spreading as from the e-mail sent by teacher Peh, it is already proven that some of the kid will still return to school although they are sick. Special action shall be taken especially for this type of critical disease.
Parent 5 - Good. Closed is better & faster way to stop the disease

5) 哪一个措施您认为是最好的解决方案? 关闭学校停止让手足口症状传播或照常上课,只是把感染者隔离在家?Which solutions are you feel better? Shut down schooling to avoid virus spreading or just quarantine infected children at home and school still run as normal.
Parent 1 - 如果没有把握受到控制,关闭也是逼不得已的方法。
Parent 2 - To those suspect or confirm being attacked by HFM virus , high fever, etc… Pls isolate them in the house until recover. It is a good
Solution to everybody for now and future.
Before back to school – need confirmation letter from Doctor indicated that he/her is suitable to go back to continue of study.
Parent 3 - All of the solution got pro and con. Depent on which party we are. Shut down the school for this time is the good solution. But as I said earlier, this will become a problem to those working parents, with such short notice....
Parent 4 - Declare school off for certain period so that the disease spreading cans completely cut-off.
Parent 5 - Due to increasing & transporting, should stop the class. About Fairness cannot consider already because this disease consider danger for kids and with order by "Kementerian" to close the school to stop the problem. And further by cleaning are required. Should stop the class.

6) 因为本园为了预防手足口症传染而停课,您可以接受吗?Do you agree school shut down stop to spreading HFM virus?
Parent 1 - 可以。
Parent 2 - For my case, I will take this a serious matter. Shut down is one of the proper choice ( but no other choice right). I do agree of school shut down for one of the prevention step to avoid virus spreading among the study even to their family members. Lastly, I sincerely hope that may my opinion is in Win-Win situation between Parents and QQ kindergarten.
Parent 3 - As a half day-parents of QQ kids, I can accept school close 1 week in advance and open 1 week earlier. Continue the school will cause more risks for the kids in the school. It is because no one knows who will be infected next. If only quarantine the infected kids, as mention ealier, the kids might hard to catch-up....
Parent 4 - Yes.
Parent 5 - Yes.
Parent 6 - Personally I agreed with the decision to shut down due to HFM disease is still spreading actively at school. In order not to worsen the condition and totally free from it, a thorough sterilization & cleaning is needed. Although it created a short-term inconvenience to the parents, but for the benefit of our children; we have to.

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